
Explore the A to Z of Leadership Assessment Tests

A Thorough List Of Our Favorite Resources To Get You Acquainted With Leadership Assessment Tests

The Ideal Approach to Effective Leadership Assessment

It is essential to assess potential leaders for qualities that allow them to thrive in any environment while at the same time, encouraging and pushing their colleagues to their best selves. Hence, it is vital to use the right combination of tools that evaluates key skills like verbal ability, reasoning, decision-making, and an overall aptitude for leadership and strategic roles.

sea of knowledge


shedding light

Research & Reports



Using comprehensive and objective tests for leadership assessment can help organizations build a sustainable succession plan and leadership pipeline. The sophisticated attributes of leadership assessment tools like 360 feedback, case study simulators, and situational judgement exercises also ensure a reliable and unbiased means for companies to analyze the existing leaders’ capabilities. This page will introduce you to resources that cover all these nuances in extensive detail.

Eliminate Inefficiencies

Assessments to Identify and Develop Leadership Potential

Another key benefit of leadership assessment tests is that they help gain insights into a professional’s work-orientation, leadership style, and overall efficacy in performance. Mercer Mettl offers a plethora of options using which organizations can identify as well as develop their potential leaders in a streamlined, dedicated fashion.

In the current professional milieu, a leader’s focus needs to be toward internal and cross-functional collaboration. Hence, a good leader is defined by their ideal personality, behavior, and the way they are perceived within the professional space.

The ultimate goal of using leadership assessments is to ensure a structured and scientific approach towards their identification and L&D as opposed to random handpicking of high-potentials. The way leaders affect an organization’s productivity further stresses the need of these assessments. 



Use this page as an index for all the resources that will help you understand leadership assessment and the tools you need, as an employer, to carry out the same. Complete with guides, blogs, e-books, and other references covering the features of Mercer Mettl’s leadership assessment solutions, this page is basically a one-stop point for accessing all the related information in one place.

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