
All Your Questions About Behavioral Assessments & Behavioral Competencies Answered Here

A Thorough List Of Our Favorite Resources To Get You Acquainted With Behavioral Assessments

What are Behavioral Assessments?

Behavioral assessment is the structured study and analysis of a person’s behavior using various methods like interviews, focused exercises, and observation. It refers to the process of observing, explaining, and predicting human behavior. Behavioral assessments are used for recruitment and development purposes to assess core competencies required to perform a job role. Behavioral assessments require candidates to exhibit behavioral competencies in one or more tasks that mimic an actual workplace situation and are related to their work responsibility. Behavioral assessments can be done in-person or through digital tools.

sea of knowledge


shedding light

Research & Reports

The HR Handbook of Behavioral Competencies at Work

A comprehensive list of key indicators and suggested questions to measure critical behavioral competencies – personality attributes, analytical abilities, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills.



The workplace is continually evolving, and so are the competencies required to work effectively. Behavior assessment tools can be used in the workplace for recruitment and development. They combine innovation and scientific rigor to assess for role fitment. Different types of behavioral assessments can be used independently or cumulatively for a holistic overview of an individual. Some behavioral assessment tools are situational judgment questionnaires, business case studies, in-box prioritization, group discussion, role-plays, presentations, and competency-based interviews.



Behavior assessment tools attempt to furnish the ‘why’ behind workplace behavior, empowering you to recruit, train, and develop employees optimally to achieve the best results. What sets apart high-performing organizations from the mediocre ones is understanding your employees’ strengths. Organizations must know how their employees will behave when confronting the demands of their job and their ability to work together to propel their company toward success.

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