Leveraging psychometric assessments for effective training needs identification

Leveraging psychometric assessments for effective training needs identification

One of the initial and critical steps in upskilling employees is training needs identification, often referred to as training needs assessment. This eBook looks at how psychometric tests can be leveraged in identifying training needs in an organization's learning and development initiatives.

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Top Takeaways:

Types of psychometric assessments

Steps involved in training needs identification

Ways in which psychometric assessments help in training needs identification

What is inside this eBook


In a constantly evolving world of work, organizations need to find ways to enhance the capabilities of their workforce. The foundation of any thriving enterprise lies in its ability to adapt to changing scenarios, and this hinges on having a highly adaptable and skilled team. Therefore, investing in employee development is imperative for achieving sustainable growth.

What you will learn from this eBook

This eBook will give you a step-by-step guide to identify training needs utilizing psychometric assessments.

Sneak Peek:

The data derived from psychometric assessments holds multifaceted utility, extending beyond just the hiring process. It plays a pivotal role in career development and personal growth within an organization. By harnessing the insights garnered from these assessments, organizations can tailor their training and development programs to align with the unique attributes and potential of their workforce.

Here is a look at the steps involved in training needs identification:

  • Define objectives
  • Identify stakeholders
  • Conduct organizational analysis
  • Task analysis
  • Individual analysis
  • Collect feedback and input
  • Develop training objectives and curriculum
  • Evaluate and monitor

Written by

- Harsh Sharma

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