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Technical Skills Trends 2022

A comprehensive understanding of the industries’ requirements is the first step toward developing great talent. This much-awaited and tell-all report offers unparalleled insights into trends and directional cues into how technology is reshaping the way organizations function and beyond!

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Type: Internal data report

Number of Respondents: N/A

Target Sample: N/A

Did You Know?

It is predicted that 5 million developers will be added to the tech workforce over the next 5 years.

Top Takeaways:

How global companies are evolving their technical hiring

What will be the most sought-after tech skills in 2022

Trends in skill movement from 2019 to 2021

What’s Inside This Report?


We are amid a technological revolution unlike any other in history, in which new technologies are rapidly advancing while older ones fade into the background. COVID-19 and its ramifications have hastened the evolution of organizations across sectors and industries to integrate technology into the core of their operations. Powered by Mercer | Mettl’s tech assessment data that consists of 200,000+ assessments from 2019-2021, this report ascertains how the unfolding crisis has catalyzed technology adoption and offers in-depth insights into the hottest tech skills across industries and job roles that will likely dominate the market in 2022 and beyond.

What you’ll learn from this report

Download the full report to discover:

  • Critical insights from The Hot Skills Index (most sought-after skills) and In-demand Index (most in-demand job roles)
  • Industry-based trend analysis of top ten in-demand tech skills upon which each industry is placing an emphasis.
  • What will be the most sought-after tech skills in 2022
  • Trends in skill movement from 2019 to 2021
  • How global companies are evolving their technical hiring

Sneak Peek


Discover the major trends and what they mean to you

  • Java Developer is the most in-demand role in technology, followed by Full-stack Developers as businesses seek more comprehensive tech talent.
  • Businesses are now attempting to migrate their data on cloud-based platforms to ensure continuity amid unforeseen circumstances propelling demand for DevOps experts.
  • 66% of healthcare executives expect to be on the cloud within the next year, and 96% within three years, driving up need for JavaScript, HTML and CSS expertise to create interactive and digital healthcare systems.
  • Enterprises are encouraging diversity hiring and remote work to build more equitable and inclusive workplaces.

Written by

- Bhumika Das

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