Online exam trends and predictions

Insights 2022: Online exam trends and predictions

A comprehensive report on everything you need to know about the global online exam landscape.

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Type: Survey

Number of respondents: 400+

Target sample: Deans, professors & HODs

Did You Know?

For the third consecutive year, anti-cheating technology continues to be the most predominant exam-platform feature that the education sector demands.

Top Takeaways:

72% of respondents believe that online exam platforms have improved their overall examination experience.

One out of four respondents believes that online exams ensure better cheating prevention and proctoring than conventional exam formats.

56% of respondents have admitted that online exams enable better evaluation and grading.

What’s Inside This Report?

An overview

The state of online examinations 2022 sets out to analyze the trends in online exams, briefly tracing their rise since 2019. Its key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the global online exam proctoring market, thereby allowing stakeholders across the value chain to initiate sustainable strategies.

The report explores the intricacies in the preference for various exam models in 2022 – center-based, remote and hybrid, presenting data from a global survey involving key decision-makers in the education sector worldwide. Drawing conclusions from the survey findings, the report further elaborates on the hits and misses in using assessment platforms and improvements that would encourage digital upgrades to exam solutions in the coming years.

What you will learn from this report

You will get insights into factors shaping the global exam environment in 2022. The report offers an overview of trends, preferences, expectations, and the impact of online exam solutions on assessment quality in educational institutions. You will also understand the advantages and challenges of traditional vs. absolute digital vs. hybrid exam formats.

With substantial industry evidence, the report will paint a vivid picture of what to expect in the upcoming exam landscape and why. Furthermore, you will see the way forward for online exam platform providers and educational institutions concerning crucial exam decisions.

Sneak Peek


  • 75% of respondents prefer the ease of administration, scheduling and coordination offered by the online examination mode.
  • Close to 50% of those surveyed reported that they would adopt a hybrid model of online and offline exams in 2022.
  • Scalability across international geographies is the essential exam platform feature for more than 40% of those surveyed.
  • 46% of respondents will adopt a hybrid model of conducting exams to reap the benefits of digital while holding on to the more familiar and comforting tether of the pen-and-paper exam format.

Written by

D’ipanjenah is a writer and marketing professional associated with Mercer Mettl since 2020. Her working style thrives on a balanced approach towards standard insights and novel trends. She utilizes creative content and digital strategies to help brands start important conversations. When not reading/writing, she enjoys art and parents a calico.

- D'ipanjenah Ali

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