
Live Demo: How to Conduct Online Examinations – India Chapter

This insightful session doubles up as a step-by-step interactive guide for conducting remote examinations. It also addresses top concerns while offering elaborate solutions to ensure a seamless exam process.

April 2020


69 Mins


Siddhartha Gupta

CEO, Mercer Mettl

Nachiketa Chandra

Nachiketa Chandra

Director- Product Development, Mercer Mettl

Sharad Sharma@2x

Sharad Sharma

Chief Product Officer, Mercer Mettl


Kaustubh Bansal

Associate Director- AI and Proctoring, Mercer Mettl



This webinar is a detailed demonstration of Mercer Mettl’s online exam and proctoring platforms. The speakers focus on preserving academic integrity when transitioning to any virtual medium. They go on to take the viewers through a series of anti-cheating solutions and advanced proctoring features. Furthermore, the session highlights the foolproof possibilities that Mercer Mettl offers in the form of flexible question formats, scalable software, ultra-smart AI algorithms, and more!

Educators, academicians, as well as students will find this session extremely helpful in understanding the various remote exam solutions offered by Mercer Mettl and the way they work. In addition, the webinar will help you understand how these remote exam solutions benefit all the stakeholders- faculties, educational institutes, and students. Deep diving into the key challenges and concerns of adopting the online mode, the panelists help you overcome the doubts and fears regarding the changing education eco-system.

What You Will Learn

A step-by-step demonstration of Mercer Mettl’s proctoring and exam tools.

A detailed view of Mercer | Mettl's AI- ​enabled anti-cheating solutions.

How to utilize auto grading and multiple question formats on Mercer Mettl’s exam platform.

How robust digital systems help handle the scale of exams and prevent disruptions for students.

Key Takeaways From This Webinar

How remote exam platforms can be tailored to specific university requirements.

Three levels of examination authenticity offered by Mercer Mettl

Scalable and secure features that guarantee a robust system of online exams.

Top Questions from the Webinar

1 . Do we need to create a question bank in an excel sheet to upload 100 or more MCQs?

Examiners can create their questionnaires in an excel file and bulk upload them on Mercer Mettl’s examination platform.

2 . Is there any provision to upload handwritten solutions onto the platform?

Yes. Candidates can upload up to three files per question, with each file not exceeding 30MB. The Mercer Mettl exam platform supports file types such as doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .ppt, .png, .jpg, .txt, .zip, .rar, etc.

3 . What can be done if the candidate says that their camera is not working?

A prerequisite of the exam is that students have to enable proctoring on their devices. They have to accept sharing their screen, video, and audio. If either one of them is not working, then it is at the institute’s discretion whether it would let them take the exam.

4 . How do you ensure students are not using the internet on their computer to get help for the exam?

With the enabling of browsing tolerance, candidates are not allowed to navigate to any other website. We can also define a limit for browsing tolerance. Upon reaching that limit, the candidate's test will be finished automatically. Additionally, we can use MSB (Mettl Secure Browser) to provide the candidate with a lockdown environment. The latter does not allow screen minimization and navigation. The access to search engines and social media accounts is barred inside the MSB, The MSB terminates all browsers and other operating websites upon its launch.

5 . What if someone is helping the student by standing behind their computer?

The AI on Mercer Mettl’s exam platform is trained to pick up 18 dynamic digressions, including a distracted eye movement. Such behavior is flagged as cheating/malpractice and the invigilator is notified immediately.

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