Why you must consider giving an online exam- step by step analysis

Reconsider Taking Offline Exams

This Ebook will familiarize with you the intricacies of the offline process and challenges associated with pen and paper assessment.

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Top Takeaways

Exploring the numerous steps and challenges in creating and scheduling a pen-and-paper based examination

Understanding deep issues associated with setting up an offline invigilation and evaluation mechanism

An actionable recommendation to migrate to the digital era

What’s Inside This Ebook

Even though pen-and-paper exams are elaborate, time-consuming and take up much energy and focus, they continue to be the principal means of conducting examinations. It is about time educators realize that offline exams no longer serve the education sector’s needs. As computers and the internet become ubiquitous, there is a massive transition to the online ecosystem. Hence, this Ebook elucidates the intricacies and outlines the procedural requirements associated with the offline examination process.

What you’ll learn from this Ebook

This Ebook offers a systematic understanding of the challenges involved in giving and taking a pen-and-paper examination. You’ll not only learn about the numerous steps and challenges in creating, scheduling, invigilating and evaluating an offline examination but also discover the deep dents created in revenue and resources.

Sneak Peek

This Ebook walks you through the offline vs online exam debate from the perspective of both exam taking and exam giving. It-

  • Analyzes the complexities and cons of conducting a pen and paper exam process
  • Provides a glimpse into the operational, administrative and logistic costs associated with offline exams
  • Highlights the compromise in safety and security of question papers and results

Written by

Shirisha has been helping countless brands gain traction with her content. Her deep understanding of the education sector and sound knowledge of technical skills have helped her structure the most creative solutions for key stakeholders. Shirisha has also ghosted pieces for several industry honcho’s successfully published both online and offline. When she's not keeping up with the world, you're sure to find her catching up on bollywood stories or gramming for fun.

- Shirisha Jain

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