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Confront these five common misconceptions preventing your students from giving an online exam

Ignore the myths and read the facts as we highlight the reality around online exam giving

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Top takeaways

How challenging is it to set up an online exam?

Does one need to type fast to write an online exam ?

If a student logs in before time, do they get extra time to write their exam?

Sneak Peek

Online exams are a hot topic amongst students these days. But, no matter how ubiquitous as a concept it is, some are happy, but a great deal feel frantic about it. That is because many myths surrounding this topic hinder its acceptance. Of course, one can blame the lack of clarity or gap in understanding. But, whatever be the reason, it is time to dispel the wrong perception and deal with this misinformation head-on.

Using Mercer | Mettl’s education expert’s insights, we’ve delved into five common myths with the idea of bringing clarity to the myth-riddled world of online exam giving with proctoring.

Get straight to busting some myths such as-

  • A technical issue during the exam can make you lose an exam
  • Results are tampered with after submitting a proctored exam
  • It is challenging to set up an online exam
  • To write an online exam one has to know how to type fast
  • If a student logs in before time, they get extra time to write their exam

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Shirisha has been helping countless brands gain traction with her content. Her deep understanding of the education sector and sound knowledge of technical skills have helped her structure the most creative solutions for key stakeholders. Shirisha has also ghosted pieces for several industry honcho’s successfully published both online and offline. When she's not keeping up with the world, you're sure to find her catching up on bollywood stories or gramming for fun.

- Shirisha Jain

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