
How to Build a Growth-Driven Strategy to Identify your High Potentials?

Welcome to an elaborate discussion among experts as they look at high-potential identification through the lens of unprecedented times and reveal ways to innovate HiPo strategies across industries.

June 2020

Hi-Po/Org Development

64 Mins



Sonal Kapur Sinha

Chief HR Officer, Modern Foods

Anirban B. Roy

Chief Revenue Officer, Mercer Mettl


Snigdha Rai

Research Head- Psychometric Assessment, Mercer Mettl



This webinar is an insightful take on the changing dynamics of high potential identification in the “new normal”. It deep dives into understanding the reasons behind the growing focus on HiPo individuals. In addition, the speakers talk about why HiPos have taken center stage in global talent strategies. The interactive session is complete with polls and discussions around the poll results that highlight the ongoing shift in HiPo strategy trends.

From developing a high potential team to innovating legacy processes, the speakers cover amazing nuances that define potential in a new light. You will also learn about the goal of HiPo identification for most organizations today, the role of HiPo strategies in identifying future leaders, and the skills/competencies most relevant for high potential identification in the current times. There is also an extensive comparison between HiPo perceptions before and after the outbreak of Covid-19, offering surprising insights into using scientific methods for high potential identification and the game-changing features of such advanced strategies.

What You Will Learn

The significance of high-potential identification during the Covid-19 crisis.

The evolution of HiPo model to accommodate newer skills and competencies.

Collaboration of business with the HiPO program to make it a successful one.

The ideal path for a HiPo identification strategy.

Key Takeaways from This Webinar

Emerging perspectives for HiPo identification in the midst of the pandemic.

Significance of learning agility and intellect in HiPo identification.

New objectives behind conducting a HiPo strategy today.

Top Questions from the Webinar

1 . Should all competencies get an equal weightage during HiPo identification?

Competencies like agility and drive form the backbone of any efficient HiPo strategy. However, depending on the job level and the industry, several competencies may outweigh others. HR professionals agree that the propensity to lead, people management skills, initiative and innovation, strategic and critical thinking, etc. are crucial to the success of a HiPo identification program.

2 . How do organizations assess agility?

Since agility is an innate ability that cannot be externally developed, it is assessed using personality tools and behavioral evaluations. Such assessments map and measure the individual’s competency to understand ambiguous situations and navigate through them smoothly.

3 . What can organizations do better to be more involved in their HiPo strategies?

The ideal way to improve HiPo strategies at organizations, it is crucial for leadership teams to get more involved throughout various stages of developmental planning. Close collaboration during the stages of value definition and competency outlining, ensures that the organization gets a stronger HiPo strategy. In other words, communication and awareness are the keys here.

4 . How can organizations cover different learning styles under the same developmental program?

Uni-directional approaches towards a developmental program doesn’t work anymore. Hence, an IDP process in an organization needs to be evolutionary and dynamic. The goal is to convert high potential professionals into organizational assets that last for long. And the same is achievable through a systemic and constantly monitored developmental journey. Frequent feedback sessions, open communication, and platforms to accommodate all learning styles is now more essential than ever before.

5 . Is industry-context important when assessing HiPos?

Subject matter experts as well as organizations are divided in their opinions about this topic. While many businesses believe that HiPo assessments should be strictly industry-specific or company-specific, experts have a greater tilt towards an industry-agnostic and futuristic approach.

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